1. Solving Stonehenge...
The New Key to an
Ancient Enigma
A fascinating, newly published work by Tony Johnson.
Anthony Johnson is an archaeologist specializing
in geophysics, survey and computer applications in archaeology. He is also a part time tutor at the University of Oxford.
He was first introduced to Stonehenge in the 1970s by Professor Richard Atkinson while studying at University College Cardiff.
www.solvingStonehenge.co.uk |
''A splendid piece of work. Tony Johnson writes with enthusiasm and great clarity: this is indeed a major step forward in solving the puzzle of Stonehenge, as well as being a very readable and exciting book''.
Emeritus Professor of European Archaeology at the University of Oxford:
author of 'The Ancient Celts' and
'Europe Between the Oceans'
''A welcome return to the mysteries surrounding the stone circles at this most iconic of monuments. This provocative book adds a new dimension to recent studies of the surrounding landscape and the controversies that have endured for generations''.
Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara:
author of 'The Great Warming'
and 'The Little Ice Age'
288 pages
135 illustrations, 35 in colour
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